
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Living Kidney Donor Evaluation: A Simplistic Approach
卷期 39:5
作者 Akbar Mahmood
頁次 255-261
關鍵字 Organ donationkidney transplantationdonor healthMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201910
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_126_18



Donating an organ is donating a new life. This is a remarkable act of the donor, and due to this donated organ, transplantation has become a routine practice with miraculous results, but the process of organ procurement, donation, and harvesting is not a simple one as organ transplantation sounds fascinating. This is a major undertaking and serious responsibility which rests on the shoulders of the medical community, involved in the human organ transplantation, especially from the live donors to safeguard donor health. Kidney donation principle is candid which states that one person on dialysis is better than two on dialysis. Live kidney donors are superior to the cadavers. There are exhaustive protocols for kidney donor evaluation, and guidelines vary among different countries. This article will outline the practical approach of donor evaluation by employing conventional tools of basic medical practice and help this complex process be simplified and swift and practicable. Detail history, meticulous physical examination, and thorough laboratory and radiological workup must be adopted by the transplant centers which has maximum beneficial outcome by aiding pickup donor health issues. Evaluation process can be extended further based on the abnormality detected during this workup which guides appropriate action to rectify the problem, thus protecting donor by precluding donation cost‑effectively. Major point to be stressed through this article is protecting the donor health not only during the postoperative period but also providing lifelong donor follow‑up.

