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篇名 隱形的無生老母:新加坡先天道宗教網絡與變遷
卷期 205
並列篇名 The Invisible Eternal Mother: Xiantiandao’s Changing Religious Networks in Singapore
作者 戚常卉
頁次 215-264
關鍵字 先天道無生老母符號形構再地域化新加坡XiantiandaoEternal MothersemiosisreterritorializationSingaporeTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201909




Xiantiandao (The Great Way of Former Heaven ) is a syncretic religious sect that emerged during the Qing dynasty. Members of this sectarian religion lived lives of abstinence and vegetarianism. During the Tongzhi reign (1856–1875), after facing persecution in China, Xiantiandao pursued proselytization abroad, rendering a fruitful harvest of converts in Southeast Asia. From Singapore, the Dongchu branch of Xiantiandao established transregional religious networks in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Hong Kong. The Dongchu branch experienced deterritorialization, the disconnection between a culture and its traditional geographical boundaries, when the branch first arrived in Singapore in the late nineteenth century. Dongchu gradually reconstructed new religious networks and orders in these new areas, initiating prolonged reterritorialization, especially through the establishment of Xiantiandao vegetarian halls for proselytization or for converts’ spiritual cultivation. However, since the 1990s, the vegetarian halls of the Dongchu branch has revealed a more confused picture. Some of the relationships within the religious networks were strained and began to break down due to the lack of successors. A few vegetarian halls even converted to Buddhism in the past two decades. Vegetarian halls remaining in the sect’s networks maintained a certain religious homogeneity under the Xiantiandao canopy, yet there has been increasing differentiation and difference among them. Despite the fact that these vegetarian halls tried to practice routine religious rituals consistent with much of the Xian tiandao doctrine, their religious practice demonstrated different symbolical meanings. Such religious phenomena can be commonly seen in the emergence of a new dimension of religious secularization. This article deploys the Peircean notion of semiosis, in which signs give rise to new signs, to explain the symbolic processes of religious change within Xiantiandao over the past one hundred years. Over such a long stretch of time, the Eternal Mother, the core religious icon of Xiantiandao, retreated to the background. Abbots, abbesses, or non-Xiantiandao converts who were in charge of vegetarian halls strayed from strict Xiantiandao’s doctrine in their preaching. Instead, especially after the 1990s, each of the halls developed its own unique interpretation of Xiantiandao as a way to survive in the rich religious market in Singapore.
