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篇名 以社廟為中心:宋代莆田社會儀式空間與後期的演變
卷期 205
並列篇名 The Rise of a “Temple-Centric” Society in Putian in the Song and Later Transformations of the Ritual Sphere
作者 丁荷生鄭振滿
頁次 103-159
關鍵字 儀式空間社廟佛寺祠堂神童ritual spherelocal templesBuddhist monasterieslineagesspirit mediumsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201909




This essay discusses the central role of local communal temples in Putian society during the Song. The importance of Buddhist monastic estates in this period is also emphasized, as are several different paths to the establishment of lineages and ancestral halls. While the Song was a period of extraordinary achievements in Neo-Confucian studies, there were many areas of the Putian plains where this influence was not strongly felt, and where alternative sub-cultures developed around village level shentong (神童) spirit mediums and local temples. And in areas with strong lineages the inscriptional record in the temples indicates that the literati also had important roles in their home village temples, often composing inscriptions, serving on temple management boards, and contributing to restoration campaigns. Thus the scholar literati continued to play important roles in village level worship associations in addition to their ritual activities within their own lineage halls. The article reveals the complexity of the ritual sphere in Putian in the Song, while also briefly tracing some of the subsequent transformations of society and local communal religion in later periods.
