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篇名 以穿戴式感應器控制之互動燈光表演系統設計與研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Design and Research of Interactive Lighting Performance System Controlled with Wearable Sensing Device
作者 余康正鄭建文
頁次 080-092
關鍵字 穿戴式裝置舞台燈燈光系統Wearable deviceStage lightLighting system
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201909_8(2).0008


燈光是劇場演出幕後的要角,有它的存在觀眾才可以看到精彩的表演。燈光一開始只是提供照明,讓表演可以在室內或是夜晚進行演出。隨著燈光技術的演進,我們已無法滿足燈光僅作為照明之用途。如今,隨著電腦科技的進步以及高度的易取得性使得燈光成為劇場中不可缺的一種表現形式,運用燈光不同的特性,可以營造特定場景的氛圍,製造特殊的表演效果,使得光線運用的好壞間接影響了整場演出的成敗。當代旋轉式舞台燈擁有強大功能可做到從前劇場燈光無法做到的效果,例如方位的控制、混色、燈光閃爍、投影圖案等。傳統的舞台燈光控制是由場控人員控制,表演者不會參與其中。然而,隨著互動科技的進步及表演方式的多元化,表演者透過新的互動科技,藉由手勢或肢體動作直接控制舞台燈光之顏色、旋轉方位、閃爍等,亦成為一種可能性。有鑒於此,本研究設計一套互動燈光表演系統,讓表演者與場控人員可以依照自己的需求,在預先編排或切換表演時,能即時切換所需的燈光效果。使用者須穿戴Myo 手環,並透過無線傳輸技術與系統連接以產生多樣化的燈光效果。本系統經過專業的舞蹈表演者測試與驗證,以評估其系統之易用性。此外,本研究亦蒐集專家意見,統整並歸納出互動燈表演光系統之設計原則,最後根據統計分析結果可以得知無論表演者是否有使用科技產品於表演之經驗,皆認為本研究所設計的互動燈光表演系統有助於增加表演者與燈光之間的互動。


Lighting plays a major role in theater performances by allowing compelling performances to be visible to the audience. Lighting was initially used to illuminate stages, allowing shows to be performed indoors or at night. As lighting technologies have evolved, the use of lighting has progressed far beyond pure illumination purposes. Today, with the development and high accessibility of computer technology, lighting has become an indispensable form of expression in theaters. Using different characteristics of lighting, a certain atmosphere for a particular scene or special performance effects can be created. Therefore, the use of light can indirectly affect the success of the entire show. Modern rotating stage lights have powerful features that could not be achieved by theater lights in the past, such as azimuth control, color mixing, flashing, and image projection. Traditional stage lighting is controlled by light board operators in which performers are not involved. However, with the advancement of interactive technologies and the diversification of performance methods, it is now also possible for performers to directly control the color, rotation orientation, and flicker of stage lighting through gestures or physical movements. Therefore, in this study, an interactive lighting performance system is designed that enables performers and lighting board operators to instantly switch between the desired lighting effects during rehearsals or performances, depending on their needs. Users must wear Myo bracelets connected to the system via wireless transmission technologies to produce a variety of lighting effects. The system has been tested to assess ease of use and validated by professional dancers. In addition, this study collects expert opinions and summarizes the design principles of interactive lighting systems. Finally, based on statistical analysis results, interviewed performers express that the designed interactive lighting performance system helps to enhance their interaction with the lighting, regardless of whether they have experience in using technology products in performance.
