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篇名 臺灣金融機構信用卡發行量與公司績效之關係探討
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Investigating the Relationship between Credit Card Issuance Volume and Firm Performance - Evidence from Banking Industry of Taiwan
作者 倪衍森黃寶玉鄭義榮陳皇瑋
頁次 069-079
關鍵字 信用卡發行量公司績效公司價值公司治理Credit Card Issuance VolumeFirm PerformanceFirm ValueCorporate Governance
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201909_8(2).0007




This study investigates whether firm performance would be affected by the issuing volume of credit card. By employing the data of Taiwanese banks over the period of 2008-2017 disclosed by Financial Supervisory Commission as the samples, we reveal several valuable findings. First, the financial institutes with high credit card issuance volume might have better firm performance, indicating that increasing credit card issuance volume would enhance firm value. Second, the firms with high overdue loan ratios in terms of credit cards would weaken firm performance, implying that the firms should evaluate the quality of credit card applicants instead of increasing the issuance volume only. Third, this study shows that directors' pledge ratio in not negatively related to firm performance, which might result from that some financial institutions with higher directors' pledge ratio still have superior performance. This finding seems somewhat different from the results releaved in the past studies.
