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篇名 面試日期改變能否影響個人申請入學分發率-以X學系為例
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Can the interview date change affect the distribution rate of admission by application- with X department of an university as an example?
作者 王瑞榮朱榕屏
頁次 048-055
關鍵字 申請入學分發率正確篩選率admission by applicationdistribution ratecorrect screening rate
出刊日期 201909
DOI 10.6285/MIC.201909_8(2).0005


從過去到現在,大學校系的個人申請入學每年有相當數目的缺額。近幾年,大學校系開始使用一些特定方法來試圖提高個人申請入學的分發率,例如改變檢定科目、提早或延後面試日期、採取預分發、以及增加備取名額等。本文研究,大學校系改變面試日期能否影響個人申請分發率。我們以X學系的103~108 學年度申請分發結果作為研究資料,利用事件研究法探究X學系於106 學年度延後面試日期動作是否對X學系的分發率、正確篩選率、及參與面試學生人數,有所影響。研究結果發現,X學系的延後面試日期確實可以提高X學系的正確篩選率以及分發率,但是卻無法證實會降低參與X學系面試的考生人數。


From the past to the present, individual applicants for admission to each university have a considerable number of vacancies each year. In recent years, some schools have begun to try to use some special methods to try to increase the distribution rate of individual application for admission, for example, changing the subject of verification, early or postponing the interview date, taking pre-distribution, and increasing the number of places to be reserved. This article examines whether the change in interview date could become one of the factors that influence the distribution rate of admission by application. We use the admission data of the 103-108 academic year of the X department as the research data, and use the event study method to check whether the change in the interview date of the X department in the 106 academic year affects the distribution rate, the correct screening rate and the number of students participating in the interview. We found that for the X department, the delayed interview date can improve the correct screening rate and distribution rate of the X department, but there is no clear evidence to prove capable of reducing the number of students participating in the X department interview.
