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篇名 生長激素類除草劑之應用與發展
卷期 40:1
並列篇名 The Introduction on the Application and Development of Synthetic Auxins Herbicides
作者 李茂昇
頁次 047-064
關鍵字 生長激素類除草劑吡啶羧酸類吲哚乙酸合成生長素Synthetic auxins herbicidespyridine carboxylic acidaction like indole acetic acidTSCI
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.201906_40(1).0005




Synthetic auxins herbicides are widely used in crops, lawns, pastures and grasslands overseas. According to chemical structures via the HRAC, it can be divided into Phenoxy-carboxylic-acid (2,4-D、MCPA、Mecoprop, etc.); Benzoic acid (Dicamba); Quinoline carboxylic acid (Quclorac); Pyridine carboxylic acid (Picloram、Triclopyr、 Fluroxypyr、Clopyralid and Aminopyralid); Arylpicolinates (Halauxifen-methyl and Florpyrauxifen-benzyl); and other catergory such as Benazolin-ethyl used in oilseed rape. This kind of herbicide has low resistance risk in multiple mode of action. In this paper, the main characteristics and weed control of these major herbicides, as well as their application and development trend in global weed management are respectively summarized. This is to provide the reference for selecting suitable herbicides for development and application when need or want to control. It will also be benificial for weed management and ecological protection.
