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篇名 奈米鈣矽肥對水稻生產之影響
卷期 40:1
並列篇名 Effects of nano-calcium and nano-silicon fertilizer on rice production
作者 楊獻皓劉珈羽趙雲洋
頁次 027-040
關鍵字 水稻台灣藜發酵液肥奈米鈣矽肥農藝性狀米質Oryza sativa Ldjulis nano calcium silicon fertil zeagronomy traitsrice qualityTSCI
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.201906_40(1).0003




Silicon is a beneficial element for the growth of rice crops, whereas calcium is known to promote root development in some crops. Therefore, this study examined the effects of silicon and calcium on the growth and quality of rice crops. In this study, liquid fertilizer fermented from diljus (Chenopodium formasanum Koidz) was used as top dressing to check the feasibility of using liquid organic fertilizers with silicon and calcium for rice cultivation. The results showed that in rice plants treated with nano calcium silicate (NCS), the tiller number and leaf surface area of rice plants were significantly better in the early phase of growth compared with those of untreated plants. However, the results were not significant in the latter phase of growth. The height of rice plants after treatment with NCS was 66 cm, which was significantly lower than that of untreated plants (75 cm). We measured the lodging resistance of rice at yellow-ripe stage. The lodging resistance of rice plants treated with NCS was 388 Kpa, which was significantly higher than that of untreated plants (226 Kpa). This shows that treatment with calcium silicate fertilizer can increase the lodging resistance of rice plants. With respect to rice quality, NCS treatment resulted in better sound grain, immature grain, damaged grain, and dead kernels of brown rice than without treatment. The amylose content of the NCS treated crops was 19.9%, which was higher than that of untreated plants (18.6%). In addition, measurements of cooked rice grains showed that the appearance, viscosity, and taste of rice crops treated with NCS were better than those of untreated crops. The above results showed that treatment with NCS not only increases the toughness of rice stalk but also improves rice quality.
