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篇名 粉碎處理對水稻穀粒青貯發酵品質之影響
卷期 40:1
並列篇名 Study on the fermentation quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain silage by crushing treatment (water added, crushing)
作者 陳柏佑侯金日盧啟信林正斌
頁次 015-026
關鍵字 穀粒青貯料粉碎處理費氏青貯品質評分grain silagecrushed processlactic acid bacteriaFlieg’s scoreTSCI
出刊日期 201906
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.201906_40(1).0002


為解決水稻(Oryza sativa L.)公糧長久儲存後品質變差而影響銷路問題,本試驗以行政院農業委員會台南區農業改良場嘉義分場提供具有飼料水稻潛力之台中秈10號(TCS10)、台中秈17號(TCS17)、南秈育1021028 (NSY1021028)、南秈糯育1021024 (NSGY1021024)與南秈糯育1021032(NSGY1021032)等五個水稻品種(系)之乾燥穀粒為參試材料,探討粉碎程度對水稻穀粒青貯料之營養成分與發酵品質的影響,作為草食動物食用翁料之參考。水稻穀粒青貯料的營養成分分析項目包括粗蛋白(crude protein)、水溶性石炭水化合物(water soluble carbohydrate)、中洗纖維(neutral detergent fiber)、酸洗纖維(acid detergent fiber)、殿粉(starch)與石廣物質含量,發酵品質分析項目包括酸驗值(pH)與乳酸(lactic acid)、乙酸(acetic acid)、丁酸(butyric acid)等有機酸含量。結果顯示,粉碎穀粒在青貯30天後水稻穀粒青貯料pH值最低,NSY1021028及NSGY1021032可降低至4.2左右,分別較對照處理之pH4.6及pH4.7為低,且乳酸含量均較對照處理為高,但無法有效減少丁酸產生。粉碎的水稻穀粒,除NSY1021028及NSGY1021032能降低水稻穀粒青貯料之pH值、增加有機酸含量、提高發酵程度,但無法顯著提升水稻穀粒青貯料的Flieg’s score。


In order to solve the sale problem of public stock rice that has been deteriorated due to long storage. The grains of five rice varieties (lines) i.e., TCS10, TCS17, NSY1021028, NSGY1021024 and NSGY1021032 were used to investigate the effect of water added and crushed process on preparation of rice grain silage. No crushed grains were used as control. The nutrition factors of rice grain silage included crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrate (WSC), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), starch and mineral content were analyzed. The fermentation quality analysis included pH value, lactic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid. The results showed that rice grain with crush treatment was slightly improve fermentation. The pH value of the crush treatment can reduce to about 4.2 after 30 days of silage, but it can not effectively increase the lactic acid content and reduce the production of butyric acid. Therefore, the crush of rice grains lines of NSGY1021024 and NSGY1021032 can reduce the pH value to 4.2 than control pH 4.6 and 4.7 of rice grain silage, increase the content of organic acids and improve the fermentation level, but can not significantly improve the Flieg’s score of rice grain silage.
