
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Development and Validation of the Short‑Form Ryff’s Psychological Well‑Being Scale for Clinical Nurses in Taiwan
卷期 39:4
作者 Tony Szu‑Hsien LeeHuey-Fang SunHui‑Hsun Chiang
頁次 157-162
關鍵字 Clinical nursesconstruct validitycriterion‑related validityinternal consistencypsychological well‑beingMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201908
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_191_18



Background: Research into clinical nurses’ psychological well‑being (PWB) is limited and fragmented. A reliable and valid measure is needed to advance the field of nurses’ mental health. Objective: To examine the psychometric validity of Short‑Form PWB Scale (PWBSs) among clinical nurses. Methods: This study adopted a cross‑sectional design. Randomized cluster sampling was used to recruit clinical nurses from a medical center in Taipei, Taiwan, from July to October 2015. Nurses were recruited if they worked for more than 3 months in the medical center. The 84‑item PWBS was used to assess PWB. Based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in this study, an 18‑item version of Ryff’s PWBS was developed using 474 respondents. The Short‑Form PWBS was tested for internal consistency, construct validity, and criterion‑related validity. Results: Cronbach’s alpha was 0.88, with aggregated subscale alphas of 0.72–0.88, except 0.57 for autonomy. Good construct validity and criterion‑related validity of the Short‑Form PWBS were found. Conclusions: The study results showed that the Short‑Form PWBS is suitable and recommended for Taiwanese clinical nurses.

