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篇名 檔案管理局典藏《新港郷農會檔案》指引
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 Guide to the Records of the Xingang Township Farmers' Association Collected in the National Archives Administration
作者 許峰源
頁次 046-065
關鍵字 臺灣新港農會農民團體組織改造TaiwanXingangFarmers’ AssociationFarmers’ Allianceorganization merge adjustment
出刊日期 201906




At present, the National Archives Administration of National Development Council holds a considerable amount of records donated by 15 farmers’ associations around Taiwan. Based on these precious materials, researchers can explore the development of these organizations over the past 100 years as well as their activities performance in the promotion of credit loans, rural construction and technology exchange. Among the donations, records of the Chiayi Xingang Township Farmers' Association are the most complete, which contains around 400 cases dated from 1916 to 1980. Materials include fairly complete runs of meeting minutes, programs on marketing and transporting agricultural products, and improve farming operations. This article sorts out the contents of the Xingang Township Farmers' Association records, lists the future research directions, and hopes to arouse the attention of all parties the value of farmers’ associations archives.
