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篇名 中華民國政府在越戰結束前的撤僑行動與僑民安置(1975年)
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 The Evacuation and Resettlement of Overseas Chinese by the Republic of China Before the End of the Vietnam War (1975)
作者 黃惠瑄
頁次 036-045
關鍵字 越南戰爭華僑撤僑安置Vietnam Waroverseas Chineseevacuation of nationalsresettlement
出刊日期 201906




Evacuation, one of the urgent measures for a country to protect overseas nationals, may keep them away from threats. The resettlement of those nationals who used to living abroad, however, is no less important than evacuation. The evacuation of nationals in Vietnam before the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 shows lack of accurate information and appropriate strategies, on the controversy, the delicate planning and efficient reinforcement of the resettlement plan was made possible by cooperation between all the related agencies of the Republic of China. Apart from the basic needs like food, accommodation, health care and so on, the plan broadened its range to helping overseas Chinese who were evacuated from Vietnam go to school or find a job, which allowed them getting used to living in Taiwan as soon as possible. This article presents some facts of the above mentioned issues by digging into documents and archives on this topic.
