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篇名 紙質文物保存技術傳承與人才培育途徑之研究
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 A Discussion on the Education of Paper Cultural Relics Conservation
作者 陳淑美岩素芬
頁次 022-035
關鍵字 保存維護預防性保存紙質文物修護人才培育文化資產conservation theorypreventive conservationpaper restorationprofessional trainingcultural assets
出刊日期 201906




Having gone through the test of time and historical evolution, the best part of human wisdom has not only been sustained but become cultures around the world. Undoubtedly, any culture needs to be passed on in order to continue and develop. During the passing-on process, however, many factors --such as the means of passing down, the environment for preservation, and the materials' inevitable deterioration-- could increase the chance of losing some part of the culture. Therefore, conservation has always been an important topic regarding the passing-on of culture. However, is it possible to draw a clear roadmap when discussing the passing-on of conservation technique- from invisible (oral teaching) to visible (record-keeping) ways, and then through school education and scientific verification? The respective features of the traditional master-apprentice practice and the current professional training in school are the main focus of this very research. The authors also put special emphasis on analyzing the passing-on of conservation technique for paper artifacts, particularly on the system of professional training and Taiwan’s current conditions regarding conservation. In doing so, both documentary analyses and in-depth interviews have been conducted, in order to better understand the differences between master-apprentice practice and school education system in terms of talent cultivation and learning models. At the same time, a comparative discussion on the differences regarding paper restoration (including paintings, calligraphies, books, and archives) is also conducted, in order to induct the required elements for passing on conservation technique from mere memory to technique and to upgraded professional skills. Furthermore, suggestions are made regarding ideal models of passing on such professional skills. It is our sincere hope that this research can be useful to the government authorities concerned in cultivating required talents in paper conservation work.
