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篇名 我國國家檔案管理及服務變革之規劃與推動
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 The Archives Management and Service Reform Program in Taiwan
作者 林秋燕楊曉雯
頁次 004-021
關鍵字 檔案管理檔案服務變革方案檔案管理局archives managementarchive servicesreform programNational Archives Administration
出刊日期 201906




To meet the strategic goals of convenient archive access and innovative services, the National Archives Administration, National Development Council (NAA) had drafted and later approved the Archives Management and Service Reform Program on December 25, 2017. This article explored current situations of the archives management and services of NAA in Taiwan, also analyzed and integrated the related approaches of the United States, Britain, France, Denmark and Sweden, and proposed the main purposes of the reform program with the detail description of the program planning content. Finally, this article proceeded follow-up related initiatives for further improve of the quality and effectiveness of archives management and services in Taiwan.
