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篇名 船與岸:東太湖流域民間信仰中的兩種傳統
卷期 204
並列篇名 Boatmen and Land-based Residents: Two Popular Religious Traditions in the Eastern Lake Tai Basin
作者 朱明川
頁次 147-195
關鍵字 東太湖流域小船漁民廟宇系統神像廟宇復建Eastern Lake Tai Basinsmall-boat fishermentemple systemsstatuarytemple reconstructionTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201906




This paper focuses on two forms of religious life in the Eastern Lake Tai Basin. In this area, the practices of small-boat fishermen known as “boatmen” (chuanshangren 船上人) and land-based residents are quite different due to gaps in the living conditions between these two groups. However, in this part of the Jiangnan 江南 region today, their religious traditions have begun to connect and interact with each other. Based on the study of local temples, this paper discusses the status of fishermen’s sacred sites within local temple networks in this region, and analyzes the diverse rites both fishermen and land residents perform in the same temple. Next, the paper explores the reciprocal relations of these two groups’ belief systems by scrutinizing the statues and portraits enshrined in their temples, and draws the tentative conclusion that fishermen are learning configurations of statues from land residents’ temples, while land residents are beginning to imitate fishermen in terms of building statues for those who die young. In addition, the paper describes how these two groups are taking part in the Eastern Lake Tai Basin’s religious revival by participating in the reconstruction and management of temples. The sources used for this paper derive from long-term investigations of several typical temples in the Eastern Tai Lake Basin, combining oral histories, local gazetteers, stele inscriptions and other documents, with the data demonstrating the different roles that fishermen and land-based residents play in preserving their religious traditions while interacting with each other.
