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篇名 宋元以來江蘇常熟真武崇拜考
卷期 204
並列篇名 The Zhenwu Cult in Changshu (Jiangsu) since the Song and Yuan Dynasties
作者 巫能昌
頁次 051-098
關鍵字 常熟真武崇拜道教科儀民間宗教宣卷ChangshuZhenwu cultDaoist liturgiespopular religionprecious scroll recitationsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201906




Records treating the development of temple cults to the popular deity Zhenwu 真武 that arose during the Song and Yuan dynasties in the Changshu 常熟 area of Jiangsu Province may be found in a wide range of documents, including local chronicles such as the Baoyou Qinchuan zhi 琴川志, village and township records like Wu Zhuoxin’s Guicun xiaozhi 桂村小志, literati anthologies such as Sun Lou’s Ke Sun Baichuan xiansheng wenji 刻孫百川先生文集, temple gazetteers like the Canghai sizhi 藏海寺志 compiled by Shi Kongjian during the Qing dynasty, compilations of local literature such as Shao Songnian’s Haiyu wenzheng 海虞文徵, etc. In addition, a considerable number of stele inscriptions treat temple construction projects, ritual specialists, and ordinary worshippers. Today, the Zhenwu cult remains one of Changshu’s most thriving forms of religious life, with a large number of temples dedicated to Zhenwu now flourishing, including those with lengthy histories like the Ancestral Master Temple 祖師廟 on Mount Yushan, the Yousheng Daoist Temple 佑聖道院 at Zhoujing, the Zhenwu Temple 真武 廟 at Longxuan, etc. Moreover, birthday celebrations for Zhenwu centered on these temples, as well as ritual activities such as Daoist liturgies and precious scroll recitations, still constitute an important part of Changshu popular culture. Based on investigations of historical documents as well as extensive field research, this paper attempts to systematically trace the growth of the Zhenwu cult in Changshu since the Song-Yuan era, with special attention devoted to the social groups involved in this cult as well as related ritual traditions.
