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篇名 宋元以來王江涇的商業、移民與地方信仰
卷期 204
並列篇名 Commerce, Migration and Local Beliefs in Wangjiangjing District (Northern Zhejiang) since the Song and Yuan Dynasties
作者 王健
頁次 021-049
關鍵字 江南市鎮王江涇商業移民地方信仰Jiangnan market townsWangjiangjingcommercemigrationlocal beliefsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201906




The large-scale development of the Jiangnan 江南 region began during the late Tang and Five Dynasties, including in the Wangjiangjing 王江涇 District of northern Zhejiang. As migration and economic growth proceeded apace, Buddhism and Daoism became increasingly popular in Wangjiangjing, with some families operating Buddhist and Daoist temples as ancestral halls while also reducing their tax burden. At that time, many different types of Buddhist and Daoist sacred sites were scattered throughout the area. By the Ming and Qing dynasties, silk production and trade were thriving, with Wangjiangjing becoming one of Jiangnan’s economic centers. As a result, temple cults tended to be concentrated in market towns with high rates of commercial growth. At the same time, however, Buddhism’s and Daoism’s links to local families weakened over time, yet some Buddhist temples were able to preserve thei r own t radit ions. Af ter the Taiping War, Wangjiangjing suffered marked decline, with the western market towns in particular degenerating into countryside, changes that also impacted local beliefs. For example, the ravages of war devastated local demographic structures, which in turn disrupted the foundations of some temple cults. When viewed in this light, the rise of festivals known as Wangchuanhui 網船會 along the eastern bank of the Grand Canal seems particularly striking.
