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篇名 澎湖縣國民中小學教育問題與解決之道
卷期 120
並列篇名 Problems and Solutions to the Education of Elementary and Junior High Schools in Penghu County
作者 葉子超
頁次 141-155
關鍵字 澎湖縣國民中小學教育問題偏遠教育Penghu Countyelementary and junior high schooleducational problemsremote education
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201903_(120).0008




The purpose of this article was to investigate the educational profile of the elementary and junior high schools in Penghu, and explore various educational problems. It also proposed the solutions from different aspects of problems, includes Ministry of Education, Department of Education of Penghu County Government, schools, educational funds and resources, principals’ authority and duty, lack of the talent of school administration, the willing of teachers to participate in the further study, and the problems of low birth rate and rural-urban divide. In order to solve the educational problems completely, flourish the education in Penghu, enhance school educational performance, and develop students’ adaptive education, we should start from multifaceted channels to find out the ways to solve.
