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篇名 論十二年國民基本教育課程綱要教育角色下的法律定位
卷期 120
並列篇名 On the Legal Orientation of the 12-Year National Basic Education Curricula
作者 洪金英
頁次 129-140
關鍵字 十二年國教課綱課綱法律定位課綱決定程序the 12-Year Basic Education CurriculaLegal orientation of the curriculaProgram decision procedure
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201903_(120).0007




The 12-year National Basic Education Curricula will be fully implemented on August 1, 2019. This program is not only an important curriculum reform but also guides national curriculum development. In this paper, the legal procedure of the curricula formulation is discussed, and also the proper role of teachers implementing the curriculum is analyzed. First of all, the researcher discusses the relevant norms of the curricula, and the different viewpoints of the legal orientation; then, the researcher analyzes the literature and legal provisions; and finally, the researcher presents the conclusion that the educators need the Curriculum Outline to be a guideline; however, the guideline also should give teachers more freedom in terms of teaching to inspire local and school curriculum.
