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篇名 高等教育英語授課之教學實施與因應策略:比利時根特大學為例
卷期 120
並列篇名 The Teaching Approaches and Adaptation of Using English as a Medium of Instruction in Higher Education: Gent University in Belgium as an Example
作者 簡梅瑩
頁次 115-128
關鍵字 英語授課高等教育教學策略English as a Medium of InstructionHigher EducationTeaching Approaches
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201903_(120).0006




The internationalization of higher education has been an important issue both in policy making and educational practice. Using English as a medium of instruction (EMI) has been adopted by many non- English speaking countries, including Taiwan, as a resolution to increase enrollment rate and cultivate students’ competitiveness in recent years. This paper reviews the literature focusing on the current practice and difficulties of implementing EMI courses in non-English speaking countries, and then follows by introducing the EMI courses implemented at Gent University in Belgium as an example; the findings are based on the researcher’s visiting experiences and dialogues with course lecturers and students: 1. The implementation of EMI courses will promote the internationalization of school and provide students with multiple learning choices; 2. The implementation of EMI courses should take in account of students’ language skills and their prior knowledge as well as experiences; 3.The implementation of EMI courses shall adapt the teaching approaches to students’ learning difficulties and provide support for learning.
