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篇名 一所新高中學校行銷策略之個案研究
卷期 120
並列篇名 A Case Study of Marketing Strategies Employed by a Newly Established High School
作者 潘慧玲林靜霞
頁次 094-114
關鍵字 行銷策略外部行銷內部行銷互動行銷marketing strategiesexternal marketinginternal marketinginteractive marketing
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201903_(120).0005




Marketing is a significant issue for school management. A newly established high school was used as a case in this study to explore its marketing planning, marketing strategies, obstacles faced and solutions utilized. Interview was the main method for the data collection, supplemented by observation and document analysis. The findings indicated that several steps were adopted by the school for the marketing planning. They were: the analysis of SWOT, the identification of marketing goals, the clarification of market segmentation, and the selection of target market. To attract students with high academic achievement, the school interchangeably used external, internal and interactive marketing strategies. However, the insufficiency of professional knowledge, personnel and budget for marketing were the problems faced. Even so, the school was still engaged in creating its niche.
