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篇名 技術型高中課程綱要轉化研究
卷期 120
並列篇名 Transformations of Curriculum Guidelines in Vocational High School Students
作者 于承平
頁次 061-077
關鍵字 基本素養共通職能職業試探課程轉化技術型高中foundational literaciescommon competencecareer explorationcurriculum transformationvocational high school
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201903_(120).0003




In the industry 4.0, the gradual replacement of skilled workers by robots, and the rapid changes in the technical environment and the job market. The original marketing position corresponding to the department has no longer existed after graduating from school. We should be thought what kind of ability should be cultivated in vocational high schools’ students that could be facing the challenges of the future. Through literature analysis, this paper highlights the analysis of issues focused on the contents, namely, progressive curriculum differentiation and career exploration, foundational literacies and common competence, and the schoolbased curriculum development. We suggest that emphasis on individual differences and articulation foundational literacies, develop common competence for students in the workplace, and implementing progressive curriculum differentiation and career exploration with the learner-center.
