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篇名 臺中市國民小學教師知覺校長學習領導與組織氣氛關係之研究
卷期 120
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationships between Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Principals’ Leadership for Learning and Organization Climate in Taichung City
作者 蘇淑媛賴志峰
頁次 035-060
關鍵字 校長學習領導組織氣氛學校領導principals’ leadership for learningorganization climateschool leadership
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201903_(120).0002




In this study, the questionnaire survey method was adopted. It aimed to understand the status of relationships between teachers’ perceptions of principals’ leadership for learning and organization climate in elementary school, to explore the perception differences among varied background teachers about principals’ leadership for learning and organization climate, and to analyze the prediction of the elementary school principals’ leadership for learning on organization climate. The questionnaires, “Elementary School Principals’ Leadership for Learning and Organization Climate Questionnaire”, were issued to 455 teachers of Taichung City. 415 received questionnaires were valid, and overall recovery ratio of valid questionnaires was 91.21%. The valid samples were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. Elementary school teachers’ perception of principals’ leadership for learning was above average. 2. Elementary school teachers’ perception of school organizational climate was above average. 3. Elementary school teachers’ perception of principals’ leadership for learning was significantly different in terms of all context variables. 4. Elementary school teachers’ perception of school organization climate was significantly different in terms of seniority, location, the age of school, gender of principal. 5. Elementary school teachers’ perception of principals’ leadership for learning and school organization climate were significantly positive correlated. 6. The prediction power of “school organizational climate” by “undertaking responsibility together in Elementary School Principals’ Leadership for Learning Scale” was the highest.
