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篇名 特色國小畢業典禮之理論與實踐
卷期 120
並列篇名 The Theories and Practice of Characteristic Graduation Ceremony for Elementary School
作者 葉連祺
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 畢業典禮學校行銷特色學校儀式graduation ceremonyschool marketingcharacteristic schoolceremony
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201903_(120).0001




Graduation ceremony is a routine job with educational meaning in elementary schools. Developing characteristic graduation ceremony is benefited for promoting school identity, school brand and student career development. But very few studies have discussed the theoretical bases and practical examples about graduation ceremony. The study focused upon exploring the theories and practices of characteristic graduation ceremony in elementary schools. The meanings and contents, necessary components as well as two dimension viewpoints for elementary school graduation ceremony were clarified. A conceptual framework to illustrate the performance of characteristic graduation ceremony was also provided. The characters, role plays, positions, functions and classifications for graduation ceremony were explained. Moreover, the influential systematic model and process model, related research findings, available research themes and research methods for graduation ceremony were discussed. Finally several necessary components, theoretical bases of academic subject, legal regulations, assessment criteria, known practical examples as well as available thinking questions were demonstrated.
