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篇名 微環境控制理論導入電影片 保存實務之成效研究
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 The Study of the Practice of Microenvironment Control on Film Archives Preservation
作者 陳淑美
頁次 056-081
關鍵字 微環境控制國家檔案攝影類檔案電影片保存維護microenvironment controlarchivesphotographic materialsfilmpreservation
出刊日期 201806


國家檔案具永久保存之珍貴價值,為提升原件保存效益,目前均依照不同媒體類型之保存環境需求 分別建置庫房空間,以達預防性保存之效,降低檔案劣化速度以延長其保存壽命。國家檔案主要包括紙 質類、錄影音帶類、攝影類及電子媒體類等媒體類型,其中攝影類檔案樣式眾多,又分為照片、底片、 電影片、幻燈片、微縮片等各種形式,攝影類檔案受限於材質之故,很容易因保存環境控制不當,導致 不同程度的劣化受損。有關檔案保存環境之研究,多聚焦於總體環境控制(macro-environment control)的 概念,低溫低溼雖有利於攝影類檔案的長期保存,但電影片進出庫房時容易受到溫溼度急劇變化影響而 產生結露現象,或因相對溼度大幅度改變,而可能對電影片造成潛在危害,如水氣被電影片吸附,導致 發霉風險上升。為提升電影片保存維護作業品質,本研究以實務面的回溫與結露議題著手,期望從微環 境境控制(micro-environment control)的角度出發,以實驗方法瞭解不同電影片容具、影片長度、回溫箱 大小與回溫環境對回溫時間與微環境的影響,並調查記錄不同容具或吸溼劑等包裝材料在回溫期間所產 生的溫溼度變化,以歸納出較適合的且可行的回溫方式,做為後續進行電影片長期保存策略之參考。


Archives have precious values of permanent preservation. To increase preservation effect of the originals, achieve preventive preservation and lower the degradation rate, different repositories and environment are built to preserve different types of media. Archival types of archives include paper material, audio and video tapes, photographic materials and digital and electronic media. Among them, photographic materials contain photos, negatives, films, slides, microfilms, etc. Due to their materials, it is easy for them to develop different levels of degradation under improper preservation environment. Studies regarding the preservation environment of archives are mostly focused on macroenvironment control. Even though low temperature and low humidity are good for preserving photographic materials, the drastic changes in temperature and humidity while films are taking out of and putting back to their repositories could lead to condensation or absorbing mist resulting in mildew. To improve the quality of film preservation, this research focuses on thaw and condensation, using experimental methods to understand the effects of different containers, film lengths, sizes of thawing boxes and thawing environment have on thawing time and microenvironment, and records the changes of temperature and humidity while using different containers or desiccants during thawing. The attempt is to conclude a proper and feasible thaw method for future reference on the long-term preservation strategy of films.
