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篇名 戰後臺灣霍亂的防治(1945-1947)
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 The Study of Cholera Prevention in Taiwan aer World War II, 1945-1947
作者 許峰源
頁次 040-055
關鍵字 霍亂臺灣省行政長官公署衛生局臺灣省政府衛生處CholeraTaiwan Administrative OfficeHealth BureauTaiwan Provincial GovernmentDepartment of Health
出刊日期 201806


第二次世界大戰結束後,中華民國政府接收臺灣,設立臺灣省行政長官公署,負責接管臺灣事務。 臺灣省行政長官公署設立衛生局,掌理全省衛生事宜。兩岸恢復交通之際,因港口檢疫作業尚未全面 啟動,使得大陸各省霍亂流竄至臺灣各地,加上醫藥物質缺乏,在1946 年已有3,809 人罹患霍亂,2,210 人不幸喪命,致死率達58.02%。衛生局立刻啟動霍亂防治作業,著手傳染病防治事宜,但也面臨到疫 苗、藥物短缺等困境。值此之際,聯合國善後救濟總署觀察臺灣霍亂疫情緊張,緊急供應霍亂疫苗與 救濟物資,同時也派遣醫療與護理人員趕赴疫區,協助地方與學校開展疫苗注射,逐漸控制霍亂疫情。 霍亂造成臺灣民眾傷亡,且引發臺灣社會動盪,甚至引發二二八事件。未久,中華民國政府成立臺灣 省政府,接替臺灣省行政長官公署,肩負治理臺灣的重要任務。臺灣省政府有感醫療事務與衛生防疫 工作的迫切性,設立衛生處掌管全省醫療與衛生事務,並落實公共衛生建設。衛生處在衛生局的防疫 基礎上,加強霍亂防範事宜,除了進行疫苗全面注射外,也不斷強化海港檢疫機制,甚至透過鄉鎮衛 生所建置特殊的防疫網絡,進行各地霍亂患者的治療與後續追蹤,圍堵疫情迫害,使臺灣得以脫離霍 亂的威脅。


After World War II, Taiwan was placed under the Republic of China's administrative control and the Taiwan Administrative Office was established to be in overall charge of Taiwan affairs. The Taiwan Administrative Office then set up the Health Bureau to take charge of the province’s health. With the resumption and convenience of traffic, there were frequent exchanges between Taiwan and the Chinese provinces. But Taiwan Administrative Office ignored port quarantine operations and resulted in infectious diseases occurring in Taiwan. In addition, Taiwan was short of a variety of medical drugs, so in 1946 there were 3,809 people suffering from cholera, and 2,210 people have unfortunately died, the mortality rate was of 58.02%. Health Bureau put emphasis on cholera prevention work, carried out the prevention work, but it was facing a serious lack of vaccines and drugs. Not until the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration provided vaccines, drugs, and medical manpower, schools and locals were vaccinated and Taiwan controlled cholera step by step. This cholera caused social unrest, indirectly triggered the February 28 Incident. Not long after, with the abolishment of the Taiwan Administrative Office, the Republic of China set up the Taiwan Provincial Government to take over Taiwan affairs. Knowing the urgencies of health affairs and epidemic prevention, the Department of Health was established to be responsible for the province’s health. To strengthen cholera prevention, the Department of Health carried out large-scale vaccination, implemented port quarantine built an epidemic prevention network through local health centers, treated and tracked cholera patients and Taiwan was finally free of cholera.
