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篇名 《外交部檔案》與1970 年代前期中華民國外交之概述
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Archives of Ministry of Foreign Aairs and the Summary for the ROC Diplomacy in the Early 1970s
作者 任天豪
頁次 028-039
關鍵字 外交部檔案中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館蔣經國Archives of Ministry of Foreign AffairsArchivesInstitute of Modern HistoryAcademia SinicaChiang Ching-kuo
出刊日期 201806




The Archives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an important material for analyzing the diplomacy of Republic of China. It is not only reserved in the National Archives Administration, NDC but also can be accessed in Academia Historica and the Archives, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, and the last one is the most convenient place to peruse these archives therein. The Archives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be used in many fields. For example, the interaction between the foreign and domestic element may be one of the possibilities. This article focuses on the introduction for the Archives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs , and some tips on several neglected cases in Taiwan, such as the perception for National Commitment and Ping Pong Diplomacy in ROC, 424 Incident, and so on.
