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篇名 我國首座國家檔案館規劃歷程與建設方向
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 The Planning Course and Construction Direction of Taiwan’s First National Archives Building
作者 林秋燕陸雯玉
頁次 004-027
關鍵字 國家檔案館國家檔案設施國家檔案典藏國家檔案服務national archivesarchives buildingarchival buildingarchival facilitiespreserving archivesarchives service
出刊日期 201806


我國自民國(以下同)91 年施行《檔案法》,10 餘年來,已擘劃建立機關檔案管理制度,並妥善 典藏國家檔案,提供各界應用,惟衡量我國現有國家檔案典藏空間,不足因應長期發展需求,檔案服 務資源及加值成效亦顯不足;為建構並妥善保存國家發展記憶,發揮檔案價值,國家發展委員會檔案 局(以下簡稱檔案局)自92 年成立初期起即積極籌設國家檔案館,歷經10 餘年努力,終於在106 年 8 月間奉行政院核定「國家檔案典藏及服務建設計畫(民國107 至112 年)」,開啟我國首座國家檔 案館興建契機;在此一建館政策終於抵定之際,有必要就艱辛的政策形成歷程做一回顧。本文爰探討 美、英、法、韓等國有關國家檔案館建置情形,並歸納分析我國籌劃興建國家檔案館之過程,以及已 經啟動之興建案規劃重點與未來營運方式,以共同迎接我國首座國家檔案館之建設。


The Archives Act of the Republic of China took effect in 2002. Over the past ten more years, the management of records by the government has been refined, and archives have been administered properly for public access. Given that the current repository space for archives is insufficient to meet the long-term development need, as well as the shortage of archives service resources and value-added services achievement, National Archives Administration (NAA) has been actively planning the construction of the national archives building to well preserve the national memory and fully optimize the value of archives from the initial period of NAA since 2003. In August 2017, the Construction Program of Archives Preservation and Service (2018-2023) was finally approved by the Executive Yuan after NAA’s striving for the program for more than ten years. Moreover, it marks a turning point for the construction of Taiwan’s first archives building. On the occasion of policy-setting relevant to the construction of archives building, it is essential to review the hardship process of policy formulation. Consequently, the essay discusses the development of national archives building in other countries such as USA, UK, France, and Korea as well as generalizes the construction planning of national archives building in our country. Besides, it introduces the focuses and future operation methods of the program underway to meet the construction of Taiwan’s first archives building.
