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篇名 我國機關檔案管理人員專業培訓現況及分級規劃研析
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 The Study of Professional Training Programs Provided to Records Managements of Government Agencies in Taiwan
作者 楊曉雯
頁次 062-077
關鍵字 檔案管理專業培訓分級制度archives and records managementsprofessional trainingthe graded training program
出刊日期 201712




To enhance the professional competences of records managers in Taiwan government agencies, the National Archives Administration, National Development Council (NAA) has provided a wide range of training channels including substantive and online learning courses since its inception. This study explored the concepts of professional training programs for archivist and records managers in USA, UK and Japan, also explained the current training situation for Taiwan government agencies. Finally, this study introduced the graded training program, and provided suggestions for further promotes to increase the effectiveness of training and improve the development of continuing education in Taiwan.
