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篇名 政府機關文書檔案管理資訊系統驗證作業之探討
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Verification Scheme for Electronic Documents and Records Management System of Government Sectors in Taiwan
作者 邱菊梅徐綉茹李秉澤
頁次 042-061
關鍵字 公文及檔案管理資訊系統驗證作業模組化驗證程序Electronic Documents and Records Management Systemverification schememodularityverifi cation procedures
出刊日期 201712


公文及檔案管理資訊系統(以下簡稱文檔系統)驗證作業自西元(以下同)2006 年推動迄今已逾10 年, 期能藉由研究案瞭解驗證作業的績效、受驗機關或廠商的支持情形、驗證作業有無改善之處等;盼能透過研 究結果與建議,為施行中之驗證作業覓得更佳出路,使驗證作業與實務作業得以緊密結合,更進一步瞭解驗 證對象之支持度,提供後續驗證作業及相關制度之改善參考。 本文最後提出2 項短期建議及2 項中、長期建議,短期建議包括加速驗證審查與縮短驗證結果公布時 間、持續提升驗證單位服務品質﹔中、長期建議包括驗證程序面之調整改善及持續推廣驗證作業等。


The verification scheme for Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) has been promoted by the National Archives Administration more than a decade since 2006. This research aims to discuss the service performance of the verifi cation scheme; moreover, the attitudes and satisfaction of agencies applying the service as well as information system vendors. In addition, the study expects to find a better way for the tight integration of the verification scheme and practical needs. Furthermore, the experiences of the applicants can be used as reference for improvement on the follow-up verifi cation scheme and other related systems.We make conclusions with two short-term suggestions and two medium-term and long-term suggestions. One short-term suggestion is accelerating the inspection times of verifi cation and less waiting times of the announcement of verifi cation results, the other is continuously improving the quality of verifi cation service; Medium-term and long-term suggestions are adjusting and improving procedures of verification , and continuously promote operations of verifi cation.
