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篇名 線上簽核電子檔案長期存取與風險管理
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 The Long-term Access and Risk Management of Electronic Records with Digital Signature
作者 許芳銘何祖鳳范秋足
頁次 020-031
關鍵字 政府機關數位簽章電子檔案管理長期保存government agencydigital signatureelectronic records managementlong-term preservation
出刊日期 201712




Government agencies use information technologies to enhance their task performance and preserve records in various types of electronic media. After promoting the application of digital signature for offi cial documents, government agencies need to introduce more information technologies into the system. In order to attain the goal of long-term access as well as preservation, agencies should do risk assessment in the management of electronic records with digital signature to meet the requirements of authenticity, integrity, reliability, accessibility and usability. In addition to investigate the status quo of official documents with digital signature, this paper proposes related suggestions to improve the electronic records management, as well as to reduce the risk of long-term access and preservation of electronic records to achieve the goal of E-government.
