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篇名 國民政府參與蘇聯「中國藝術展覽會」的曲折(1939-1942)
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Nationalist Government Participated in the Exhibition of Chinese Art in the Soviet Union, 1939-1942
作者 許峰源
頁次 044-057
關鍵字 國民政府故宮博物院中國藝術展覽會Nationalist GovernmentNational Palace MuseumExhibition of Chinese Art
出刊日期 201706


我國在對日抗戰期間,國民政府為穩固中蘇友好關係,爭取蘇聯提供經濟與軍事援助,曾經在西元( 以 下同) 1939 年將故宮博物院與相關機構重要典藏送往莫斯科,參加「中國藝術展覽會」,公開對外展示。 這些中華文物在蘇聯展覽,引起廣大迴響。本文運用國家發展委員會檔案管理局(以下簡稱檔案局)典藏 的國家檔案,輔以其他報刊資料,剖析國民政府參與中國藝術展覽會緣由,其間除了展現璀璨的中華文化外, 亦透過展品呈現中國抗戰實況,喚起國際同情。待莫斯科中國藝術展覽會結束後,這批瑰寶在蘇聯盛情邀 請下,移往列寧格勒繼續展示。未久,德蘇戰爭爆發,國民政府力爭蘇聯儘快啟運文物回國,最終排除萬 難完成是項工作,見證保管中華文物的努力。


During the war of resistance against Japan, the Nationalist Government in order to obtain assistance from the Soviet Union and stabilize the friendly relations between each other, sent important cultural relics collected by the National Palace Museum and relevant institutions to Moscow to attend the "Exhibition of China Art" in 1939. These important cultural relics were displayed to the public in the Soviet Union, and caused a great response. This article uses archives preserved in the National Archives Administration, together with other relevant documents and information, to analyze the reasons behind the Nationalist Government participating in the Exhibition of Chinese Art. In addition to showing the splendid Chinese culture, there was also an attempt to show China's war situation to obtain international sympathy. After the Exhibition ended in Moscow, these precious cultural relics were moved to Leningrad to continue to display. Shortly after, with the outbreak of the German-Soviet war, the Nationalist Government tried to ship back these cultural relics as soon as possible and finally succeeded against all odds.
