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篇名 日本的大學檔案館現況——東京大學文書館的制度與組織
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Archives Practice of the University in Japan-System and Organization of the University of Tokyo Archives
作者 加藤諭陳韋翰
頁次 028-043
關鍵字 東京大學日本國立公文書館體系大學史文書檔案移交電子檔案The University of Tokyothe National Archives of Japan etchistory of the universitytransfer of documentdigital archives
出刊日期 201706


為應西元(以下同)2011 年日本《公文書管理法》施行,東京大學文書館於2014 年成立,其性質即 屬大學檔案館,2015 年被指定為日本國立公文書館體系。該館組織有兩大特徵,一是由大學史部門、法人 文書部門、電子檔案部門等三部門組成;二是擁有本鄉校區的本館及柏校區的分館等兩個館舍。東京大學 文書館的三部門制涵蓋了三大業務:史料編纂與大學史研究(承續其前身東京大學史史料室)、配合《公文 書管理法》進行法人文書檔案移交作業,以及支援前兩者的數位化技術開發。而兩個館舍的設置,則可於 大學本校區提供便捷的參考諮詢服務,並於近郊校區確保資料的保存空間。


The University of Tokyo Archives was established in 2014 under the new law "Public Records and Archives Management Act" which was enacted in 2011, and registered as "the National Archives of Japan etc." in 2015. There are two features of the University of taking over charge of compiling historical materials and researching on history of the University from the predecessor organization, the administrative documents section according to the law and the digital archives section. The second feature is that we have two stores, main building in Hongo campus and annex in Kashiwa campus. Therefore, we could ensure high quality reference services with the General Affairs Department of Tokyo Archives. First, we have three sections, the history of the University section the University, and secure the space for the documents.
