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篇名 如何認識日本的歷史檔案──以日本國立公文書館亞洲歷史資料中心公開的臺灣相關資料為例
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 How to Access Japan's Historical Records? Focusing on Documents Related to Taiwan Which Are Released on Japan Center for Asian Historical Records Database
作者 大野 太幹蘇曉玲
頁次 004-027
關鍵字 日本亞洲歷史資料中心檔案資料庫日本國立公文書館日本外務省外交史料館日本防衛省防 衛研究所戰史研究中心臺灣相關資料日本亞洲歷史資料中心詞彙表JACAR databaseNational Archive of JapanDiplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of JapanThe National Institute for Defense Studies of Ministry of DefenseTaiwan related materialsJACAR Glossary
出刊日期 201706


日本國立公文書館亞洲歷史資料中心( 以下簡稱亞洲歷史資料中心) 自西元( 以下同) 2001 年11 月成 立以來,即持續以電子檔案的型式,公開日本及亞洲的近現代相關史料,廣泛提供應用。截至2017 年2 月 底止,累計公開檔案約210 萬件/ 3000 萬幅影像。亞洲歷史資料中心所公開的資料,係由日本國立公文書館、 日本外務省外交史料館及日本防衛省防衛研究所戰史研究中心等3 個機關提供,本文首先向臺灣讀者介紹這 3 個機關所提供的資料概要,並基於該等資料之歷史脈絡,說明日本戰敗後行政文書的變遷,同時敘及包含 臺灣在內的亞洲相關資料,收錄於哪些史料群之中。


Since its establishment in November 2001, Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) has released roughly 30 million images of about 2 million digitized historical documents those pertain to relations between Japan and other Asian countries (data from February 2017). This paper provides an overview of documents that were released in the JACAR database, particularly for Taiwanese users. This paper examines a series of documents related to Taiwan and Asia, focusing on a transition to official documents after Japan's surrender in World War II. The documents had originally been digitized by their holding institutions: the National Archive of Japan, the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and the National Institute for Defense Studies of Ministry of Defense.
