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篇名 國家檔案應用與著作權之探討
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 Access to Archives and Copyright
作者 連秀芬
頁次 084-087
關鍵字 檔案應用著作權未公開發表著作孤兒著作合理使用access to archivescopyrightunpublished worksorphan worksfair use
出刊日期 201612


國家發展委員會檔案管理局依法辦理國家檔案之徵集及典藏,並以多元方式提供各界應用。國家檔案典 藏的珍貴文件及資料+分豐富,其中包含早期珍貴的政府著作及私人著作,深具研究參考價值,惟在對外提 供應用時,由於另外牽涉著作權法之適用,部分著作因著作權狀態不明未能提供,有關此類著作之重製、出 版及所有權等議題,影響檔案的管理及應用。值此我國規劃籌設國家檔案館及智慧財產局著手修正著作權法 之際,爰從相關國家對於檔案館涉及著作權之規範及我國目前相關法律規定,分析實務上我國國家檔案提供 應用時,關於未公開發表著作、孤兒著作、數位重製等議題所面臨的法律規範上之挑戰,據以研提相關修法 建議,以調和檔案法、政府資訊公開法及著作權法間的法律適用競合問題。


Under the Archives Act, National Archives Administration, National Development Council (NAA) supervises and guides other government agencies in their selection and transfer of records to NAA for permanent preservation. Also, NAA makes the archival material accessible in a variety of ways. However, vast numbers of items in the archival holdings are unpublished government or private works. Protected by Copyright Law, the public might be prohibited to access to those materials of uncertain copyright status. Issues about reproduction, publication and ownership of these materials in the public domain have impacts on the archival management and access services. On the occasion of NAA plans the construction of the National Archives Building. Besides, the Intellectual Property Office is revising the Copyright Law. The study reviews foreign and domestic laws and regulations「elated to copyrights of unpublished or orphan works, and the digitization of archives in the respect of accessing to archives. Finally, suggestions and conclusions are proposed as references to NAA.
