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篇名 國家發展委員會檔案管理局管有地契檔案保存維護之研究
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 A Case Study of the Practice of Archives Preservation: Land Deeds from Tainan Prison, Taiwan
作者 岩素芬陳淑美
頁次 068-083
關鍵字 國家檔案地契檔案編排描述保存維護national archivesland deedsarrangement and descriptionpreservation
出刊日期 201612


國家發展委員會檔案管理局(以下簡稱檔案局)依法負有國家檔案徵集、保管、維護、應用之責,現國 家檔案總典藏量已超過17 公里,累積檔案長度相當於35 座的臺北101 大樓。檔案局於民國100 年自臺灣 臺南監獄移轉地契檔案一批,總計361 件,產生年代距今已逾兩百多年,是目前檔案局管有年代最久遠的 國家檔案;該批地契檔案內容豐富多元,性質又有別於一般公文書,彌足珍貴,極富歷史意義與研究價值。 檔案局自接管後即陸續展開檔案清潔整理、編排描述、修護、數位化等各項管理作業,現已全數典藏於恆溫 恆溼環境之國家檔案庫房,開放提供各界申請應用。以下謹就該批檔案之原管有機關沿革背景、地契之種類 性質、檔案整理過程與保存維護作為等作一概述與探討。


According to the law, National Archives Administration, National Development Council (hereinafter referred toasHNAA^isaccountablefortheacquisitioisafekeepingipreservationandaccessofnationalarchives. Currently, the total length of national archives is over 17 kilometers, which is equivalent to the height of 35 Taipei 101 buildings. In 2011, Tainan Prison transferred their land deeds, a total of 361 items, to NAA. These land deeds date back over 200 years and are by far the oldest national archives. They are different om government records, and with historical significance and research value. NAA completed archives cleaning, arrangement, description, conservation, digitalization and keeps these archives in environmentally controlled National Archives Repository ready for public application. The following essay is a brief introduction to the previous responsible agency, the types and natures of land deeds, and the process of archives arrangement.
