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篇名 日本統治後期的高雄要塞(1937-1945)
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 The Takao Fortress During Late Japanese Colonial Period , 1937-1945
作者 楊護源
頁次 054-067
關鍵字 日軍高雄臨時要塞高雄要塞國民政府Japanese armyTakao Temporary FortressTakao FortressNationalist Government
出刊日期 201612


昭和12 年(1937)7 月第二次中日戰爭爆發,日本軍方為強化臺灣軍力,於同年8 月成立高雄要塞, 隸屬臺灣軍司令部為三等要塞,高雄要塞的設置顯然為因應戰爭狀況而催生。高雄要塞的工程初期規劃採 用海主陸從之型式,建構要塞火力,設計規劃殲滅來犯敵人於登陸之初。昭和18 年(1943)11 月,高雄 要塞之興築工程因應戰爭局勢之發展而變更工程計畫,一改原先設定海邊決戰之規劃,遷移砲臺位置,改 造工程設施與守備計畫,由原先規劃之海主陸從型式,轉變為陸主空從型式之內陸作戰。 高雄要塞的管區相當廣闊,北自臺中南迄恆春,高雄要塞以高雄要塞司令部所在的壽山為中心,與 左營、半屏山、龜山、荒鷲為高雄市區之砲臺群,向北連結後勁、漯底山、竹子港、小岡山、大岡山、臺 南、臺中等砲臺,向東南連結鳳山、大寮、東港、石頭營四重溪、恆春構成密集交叉之火砲防護網,以高 射砲保護機場,於沿海制高點架設火砲,配合前述之海陸抵抗線與陣地,配合守備部隊,殲滅入侵敵軍於 登陸之初。 戰後國民政府以高雄要塞的接收劃歸國軍陸軍,原日軍高雄要塞之軍武、設施、器材得以轉移給臺灣 省警備總司令部。並於1946 年6 月1 日設立高雄要塞司令部。


This article introduces the construction of the Takao fortress, including the deployment of barbettes, and the facilities and equipment arrangement, from 1937-1945. At the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Takao fortress was constructed in 1937 with the purpose for the reinforcement of military forces in Taiwan under the Japanese colonial period. In line with the development of the war, the construction of Takao fortress was changed to respond the needs of the garrison in 1943. The focus of defense shifted from the sea to the land. Precincts of Takao fortress ranged widely from north to Taichú and south to Hengchun. After World War II, the Nationalist Government asked the army to take over the Takao fortress, and to conduct investigations and inventories on facilities and equipment which later transferred to the Taiwan Garrison General Headquarters. On 1st, June 1946, Headquarters of the Takao Fortress was established.
