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篇名 我國政府機關公文及檔案管理資訊系統現況分析
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 The Current Status of Official Documents and Records Management Systems in the Government Agencies of Taiwan
作者 何祖鳳吳怡菱
頁次 022-035
關鍵字 official documentsrecords managementofficial documents and records management systems公文檔案管理公文及檔案管理資訊系統
出刊日期 201612




In recent years, in line with the policy of “Integration of Official Documents and Records” of the Executive Yuan, most government agencies have been actively developing a new generation of Official Documents and Records Management Systems, which integrates the operations and managements of official documents and records to enhance efficiency and quality. In order to gain a better understanding of the establishment and operation of Official Documents and Records Management Systems among government agencies, the study conducted interviews to consolidate the current status and make recommendations accordingly. To cover a more complete point of view, this study interviewed with the Ministerial-level agencies, local agencies, and information systems vendors. Based to the results of the interviews, this study proposed some directions of suggestions: online approval with digital signature, cross-agency online routing and countersigning, electronically official documents exchange, information systems certification, official documents format, the scope of Archives Act, Industry-Government-Academia community interactions, and professional training on records management.
