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篇名 檔案資訊系統使用者調查與易用性評估
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 The User Studies and Usability Testing on Archival Information System
作者 林巧敏
頁次 004-021
關鍵字 檔案檢索工具檔案資訊系統使用調查系統易用性評估archivalfinding aidsarchival information systemuse surveysystem usabilitytesting
出刊日期 201612




With the advent of the Internet and information technologies develop, the forms of archival finding aids have moved 什〇m book and card catalogs into the websites. Archives need to estimate the display of information system based on an analysis of user needs and that will lead to more effective user interactions. According to literature review, this paper depicted the overview of user studies and usability testing on archival information system. As the result, the principles of system usability design will be proposed. Consequently, the practical studies of archival information system have to be encouraged for building up the user behavior theory and system design model in Taiwan.
