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篇名 戰後高雄要塞的建置與改制(1946-1950)
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Construction and Reconstruction of the Kaohsiung Fortress After World War II (1946–1950)
作者 楊護源
頁次 046-057
關鍵字 國民政府國民政府高雄要塞要塞範圍要塞編制nationalist governmentChinese Civil WarKaohsiung Fortressfortress rangefortress establishment
出刊日期 201607


高雄要塞在西元(以下同)1946 年成立之後,要塞編制歷經1947 年整軍方案的縮編,1948 年動員 戡亂的擴編與分撥,1949 年因應國民政府遷臺的擴編,至1950 年兩岸分治的縮併定制。在國共戰爭初 期,高雄要塞有著國民政府軍隊要塞砲兵新募、訓練、補充基地之功能,國民政府軍隊潰敗後,高雄要塞 又被賦予收容國民政府轉進要塞軍隊的角色,使得要塞人員高達7 千餘人,為日本統治時期高雄要塞人員 編制數的兩倍。 高雄要塞司令部呈報核備高雄要塞所轄區域,承襲日本統治時期高雄要塞之要塞轄區範圍,其中包含 部分空軍基地在內,接收之紛爭因之而起。高雄要塞司令部成立後所面臨的狀況,其中的問題除人員、經 費、器材的短缺外,人謀不臧與軍種的本位主義亦為造成問題混亂的根源。 戰後高雄要塞的人員編制變化,也反映在總臺增設、總臺改編與直屬大臺的擴編等砲臺的編制上。此 外,對於要塞砲兵之招募,在國民政府遷臺前,高雄要塞奉令在中國華南地區招募,而非在臺招募,顯示 出國民政府對於臺人在臺灣軍事設施工作存有疑慮,特別在228 事件之後。


The Kaohsiung Fortress was a military stronghold established in 1946. It was subjected to continual renovations since its inception. In 1947, it was downsized, and subsequently expanded and underwent resource redistribution in 1948 because of the mobilization for the suppression of the Communist rebellion . It was further expanded in 1949 when the Nationalist government moved to Taiwan, and in 1950, it was downsized again when Taiwan and China began having separate governments. During the early Chinese Civil War, the Kaohsiung Fortress served as the base for recruiting, training, and supplementing artillery soldiers of the Republic of China Armed Forces (ROCAF). In addition, following the defeat of the ROCAF, the Kaohsiung Fortress served as a shelter for the ROCAF soldiers. In the Kaohsiung Fortress Headquarters, the region where reports, approvals, and document archiving were made encompassed the area that was under the jurisdiction of the Kaohsiung Fortress during the period of Japanese Rule. The areas included a part of the air force base, which created subsequent disputes. Consequently, the Kaohsiung Fortress Headquarters was challenged with various problems since its establishment, including poor military planning, shortage of personnel, funding, and equipment as well as sectionalism.
