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篇名 解除言論自由的枷鎖 ─「100 行動聯盟」廢除「刑法第100 條」的抗爭
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Lift the Yoke of Freedom of Expression - "100 Action Alliance" Protests to Repeal "Criminal Code Section 100"
作者 蘇瑞鏘
頁次 032-045
關鍵字 言論自由100 行動聯盟刑法第100 條內亂罪白色恐怖freedom of expression100 Action AllianceCriminal Code Section 100Crime of Insurrectionwhite terror
出刊日期 201607


西元(以下同)1991 年9 月21 日,中研院院士李鎮源,與陳師孟、林山田、廖宜恩等學者,號召成 立「100 行動聯盟」。他們認為,「刑法第100 條」(普通內亂罪)違背憲法對言論自由的保障,必須予以 廢除。而在後續「反閱兵、廢惡法」的抗爭中,該聯盟的成員展現不屈不撓的精神,產生巨大的政治改革 能量,促成隔年立法院修改「刑法第100 條」。觀察戰後臺灣政治自由化的發展,「刑法第100 條」是言 論自由的枷鎖;「100 行動聯盟」廢除「刑法第100 條」的運動獲得相當的成果,解除了言論自由的枷鎖, 「白色恐怖」的時代也才正式終結。本文首先分析「刑法第100 條」的歷史沿革與立法缺陷,其次列舉若 干案例討論「刑法第100 條」與言論叛亂,再者說明「100 行動聯盟」的緣起與發展,並討論該聯盟對刑 法內亂罪的態度,最後剖析該聯盟的特質與歷史定位。


On September 21, 1991, the academician of Academia Sinica Li, Chen-yuan, and the scholars Chen, Shihmeng, Lin, Shan-tien, Liao, I-en etc., called for the establishment of "100 Action Alliance". They believed that "Criminal Code Section 100" (Crime of Insurrection) had violated constitutional guarantees of freedom of expression and must be repealed. In the subsequent protests for "anti-parade, scrap draconian laws", members of the alliance showed their indomitable spirit, generated huge energy of political reform, led to the modification of "Criminal Code Section 100" next year conducted by the Legislative Yuan. By observing the development of Taiwan's postwar political liberalization, it was found that "Criminal Code Section 100" had been the yoke of freedom of expression and the "100 Action Alliance " campaign called for repeal of "Criminal Code Section 100" has obtained considerable achievements. The era of "white terror" has also formally been terminated as a result of lifting the yoke of freedom of expression. This article firstly analyzes the history and legislative deficiencies of "Criminal Code Section 100", secondly it gives several cases to discuss "Criminal Code Section 100" and "Spoken Rebellion", followed by the description of the origin and development of the Alliance, then discusses the Alliance's attitude towards Crime of Insurrection of Criminal Code and finally analyzes the characteristics and historical orientation of the Alliance.
