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篇名 美國國家檔案館管理體系與徵集策略研究
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 The Management System and Acquisition Strategy of the National Archives in the U.S.
作者 陳淑美薛理桂
頁次 018-031
關鍵字 美國國家檔案館管理體系檔案徵集徵集策略United StatesNational Archivesmanagement systemarchives acquisitionacquisition strategy
出刊日期 201607


國家檔案是見證國家發展的重要證據,具有民主法治之象徵意義,世界各先進國家對於國家檔案都極為 重視,多在首都興建首座國家檔案館,以彰顯其法治之立國精神與對歷史文化傳承之重視,並積極深化檔案 應用加值服務之宣導,讓民眾了解政府施政作為,發揮社教功能。檔案是各機關執行公務所累積的紀錄,代 表公權力行使的正當性與唯一性,惟公務機關所產生的文件十分龐雜,並非所有檔案都具有永久保存價值, 故如何去蕪存菁留存真正具有國家及全民記憶價值的檔案,實是一門高深的學問。美國於30 年代在首都興 建第一座國家檔案館,整個國家檔案管理作業運作健全,現分布全國各地規模不同之國家檔案館及文件中心 也都各司其職,善盡管理之責,其發展經驗頗值我國借鏡;我國《檔案法》施行已逾15 年,惟迄今仍未興建 國家檔案館,相較於其他國家對於國家檔案館之重視程度,實落後甚多,本文即以美國國家檔案館為研究對 象,探討其國家檔案管理組織體系及國家檔案之徵集策略,供我國國家檔案徵集制度擘劃之參考。


National archives are crucial evidence to national development and have symbolic value of the democratic rule of law. Developed countries attach great importance to national archives. Most of these countries have built their first National Archives in their capital cities to show that they value the founding spirit of the rule of law and the inheritance of history and culture. Also, they promote public use of archives and optimize the functions of the archives to let the public understand government administration. Archives are records accumulated during government agencies' operation. They represented the rightness and uniqueness of the exercise of public authority. However, those records are numerous and miscellaneous, not all of them worthy of permanent preservation. It requires profound knowledge to separate the wheat from the chaff to preserve records that have collective memory value. In 1930s, U.S. built their first National Archives in the capital and the archive management system operated soundly. Now, different scales of Archives and Record Centers all over the country still play their roles perfectly and fulfill their duty of management. Their experiences are worthy of us to learn from. Our Archives Act has already implemented for more than 15 years yet we still haven't built our National Archives. We are behind comparing with other countries' attention to National Archives. This article takes National Archives in the U.S. as research objects and discusses the management system and acquisition strategy hoping to provide some reference to our national archive acquisition system.
