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篇名 檔管單位如何建立「微型」的績效評估機制
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 How to Establish a Micro-Performance Evaluation Mechanism for Documents and Records Management Unit
作者 丘昌泰
頁次 004-017
關鍵字 檔案檔案管理績效績效評估績效管理documents and recordsdocuments and records managementperformanceperformance evaluationperformance management
出刊日期 201607


績效評估是我國政府機關非常重視的政策管理工具之一。一般而言,檔案管理單位在各機關僅是輔助 單位,規模通常都不大,但為了突顯檔案管理的績效,仍應在人力財力容許下,建立「微型」的績效評估 機制,讓長官與民眾瞭解檔管單位到底做了哪些好事? 本文對於擬參與金檔獎機關而言,甚有幫助;機關 申請人普遍面臨的感慨是:「明明做了很多事情,但不知如何呈現管理成果? 應如何有效呈現施政績效?」 為解決上述疑惑,本文以西方績效管理論為基礎,針對檔管單位之屬性加以修正而形成適用於各機關檔管 單位之「微型」績效評估機制,並提供具體的實施步驟及各步驟應注意之原則。本文期望能為檔管單位建 立一個簡單易行、有效呈現檔管作為的「小而美」之績效評估機制,以提升檔案管理單位之管治能力。


Performance evaluation is one of the most significant policy management tools for any government sector. Although Documents and Records Management Unit (DRMU) usually is not a “big” unit in any governmental department, it is still required to establish an effective micro-performance evaluation mechanism (PEM) to present the achievement and outcomes by DRMU. Therefore the performance of DRMU is able to be recognized by agency heads and citizens. The purpose of this paper is to describe how to appropriately demonstrate the performance of documents and records management through PEM. The author attempts to construct an adjusted micro-performance evaluation mechanism based on the western theory of performance management. The framework, stages and the requirements of PEM are delineated to demonstrate the outcomes of documents and records management units.
