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篇名 戰爭、檔案與泰雅地域的再認知: 以1910 年ガホガン(Gaogan) 戰役為例
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 The War, Archives, and Recognition of Atayal Tribes Realm: a Case Study of Atayal Gaogan Group War in 1910
作者 廖英杰
頁次 036-061
關鍵字 泰雅族卡奧灣群理蕃部落地圖傳統領域Atayal tribeGaogan groupaboriginal managementaboriginal mappingtraditional realm
出刊日期 201812


近二十年臺灣原住民的研究日益深化,對於原住民的權益也更加重視。基於原住民族基本法之規 定,政府部門也開始進行傳統績域調查工作, 以做為未來部落合理、合法使用之空間。然而,早期的 傳統領域調查,採取以「繪製部落地圖」的方法做為部落傳統空間確認的工具,此一方法忽略了部落 空間歷史變動的可能,更可能產生錯宜的情況。本文,嘗試以1910 年日人對於桃園地區泰雅族Gaogan (卡奧灣)群的戰爭為案例,除了說明戰爭的緣由與過程外,也藉由與此戰爭相關的臺灣總督府、宜 蘭在地警察以及軍方等產出的歷史檔案與圖資,說明從殖民者的檔案中亦能解析出對於傳統地名的指 稱,以及此一戰爭導致宜蘭地區部落移動與減失。藉此凸顯當代「繪製部落地圖」的方法,使用於部 落傳統領域研究上可能產生的疑義,提醒研究者對於在進行當代原住民族部落之傳統領域時,當運用 更多元、跨學科的研究方法,以求獲得更精確的研究成果。


The studies of Indigenous Taiwanese have been becoming further in-depth as well as the protection of their rights have drawn more attention in the past two decades. Based on the provisions of the “The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law of Taiwan”, the government had conducted indigenous traditional realm research to help the demarcation of tradition territories where the aboriginals can reasonable and legal use. In the early traditional realm investigations, “aboriginal mapping” was adopted as a tool for the confirmation of the indigenous tribal realm. However, this method did not take the possibility of historical changing factors into account in the tribal space and is more likely to make misplacements. The research takes the Japanese colonial war on the Atayal Gaogan group in Taoyuan area in 1910 as a case study to explain the causes and processes of the war. In addition, the historical records and maps produced by the Government of Taiwan, the Yilan county local police office and the military are reviewed and can explain that traditional indigenous names of places can be retrieved from the archives of the colonists. The war caused the migration and loss of certain tribes in Taoyuan and Yilan area and that may not be revealed on the result of modern “aboriginal mapping”. This paper demonstrates the use of contemporary method of "aboriginal mapping" may raise doubts in the study of the indigenous traditional realm research. It reminds researchers to use multiple methodologies while doing indigenous traditional realm studies for more precise results.
