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篇名 國家檔案融入教學資源:以國家發展委員會檔案管理局「檔案支援教學網」為例
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 τhe Integration between Archives and Educational Resources: Takingthe “Archival Resources for Teaching website" of the National Archives Administration as an Example
作者 蕭道中
頁次 022-035
關鍵字 國家檔案檔案管理局檔案支援教學綱課程綱要archivesNational Archives AdministrationArchival Resources for Teaching websiteEducation Curriculum
出刊日期 201812


推廣國家檔案的活化運用是國家檔案主管機關的重要職責。國家發展委員會檔案管理局檔案支援 教學網自2014 年上線以來持續發展,成為國內中學師生接觸國家檔案的重要途徑。本文比較國外檔案 館檔案教育推廣的作法,並分析即將實施的〈十二年國民基本教育課程綱要社會領域〉內容, 為檔案 支援教學網未來發展提供參考建議。


To promote the use of archives is one of the main areas of responsibility of the National Archives Administration, abbreviated as NAA. Since its launch in 2014, the "Archival Resources for Teaching website", abbreviated as ART of the NAA has become an important way for school teachers and students to access to archives. This article aims to provide references on the development of the ART through comparing with educational resources provided by the National Archives in foreign countries, as well as analyzing the draft of“12-year Basic Education Curriculum, Social Studies':
