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篇名 我國民國38 年以前教育類國家檔案分析
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Archives of Education of Republic of China, 1912-1949
作者 周愚文王映文
頁次 004-021
關鍵字 教育檔案國家檔案中華民國1912-1949education archivesarchivesRepublic of China
出刊日期 201812


本文旨在對原教育部所管民國38 年以前之教育類國家檔案9,873 案進行研究,歷經一年半的整理 與量化與質性分析後發現,按分布時間,其中民國35-38 年占53.4% '民國27-34 年占36% ;其文化價值, 屬「重要古物」級僅62 案, 近97% 為「一般古物」級; 其內容, 涵蓋教育行政、國民教育、中等教育、 高等教育、師範教育、職業教育、社會教育、邊疆教育、僑氏教育、國際交流、醫學教育等11 類, 其 中近半數屬高等教育類之公私立專科與大學的校務檔案,可提供研究我國近代教育史研究用。


The aim of this article is to explore the 9,873 files of archives created by Ministry of Education of Republic of China during 1912-1949, and quantitative and qualitative methods are used. 53.4% ofthem were created during 1946 49, and 36% during 1938-45. Regarding cultural value, only 62 fìles are recommended as signifìcant antiquities, and 97% as general antiquities. These archives can be classified into 11 categories, and about half of the archives within Higher Education Category are colleges' and universities' affairs archives, which are useful for further study of modern educational history ofR.O.C.
