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篇名 過度服務對消費者情緒、滿意度
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 Study of Excessive Services toward Consumer Emotion, Satisfaction and Word of Mouth
作者 朱永蕙劉嘉麒
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 朱永蕙劉嘉麒Excessive ServiceEmotionCustomer SatisfactionWord-of-mouthAMOS
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6572/JHT.201812 15(2).0001


本研究探討過度服務對消費者情緒、顧客滿意度與口碑之影響。問卷現場發放 於全臺各地王品台塑牛排餐廳,並使用AMOS研究工具分析說明過度服務對消費者 情緒、顧客滿意度與口碑之影響。研究結果證實過度服務對正向情緒具有正向顯著 影響,正向情緒對顧客滿意度具有正向顯著影響,以及顧客滿意度對正面口碑具有 正向顯著影響。同時,正向情緒對於過度服務與顧客滿意度之間具有部分中介效果, 顧客滿意度對於正向情緒與正面口碑之間具有部分中介效果。因此本研究推論消費 者對於過度服務多持正向肯定。


This research focuses on the influence of consumer emotions, satisfaction and word-of-mouth when excessive services occurred. Data was collected on sites around Taiwan and analyzed by AMOS. Results have shown that excessive services are significantly positive with positive consumer emotion, positive consumer emotion is significantly positive with customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction is significantly positive with positive word-of-mouth. Furthermore, consumer emotion has partial mediating effect between excessive service and customer satisfaction; in addition, customer satisfaction also has partial mediating effect between consumer emotion and positive word-of-mouth. Therefore, this study refers that most of consumers may have a preference of excessive service.
