
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Angioedema to Patent Blue Dye in Breast Surgery: A Case Report and Review of Literatures
卷期 39:1
作者 Hsuan‑Cheng WuJyh‑Cherng YuLin‑Chi YiCheng‑Shan WuShu‑Chuan LinZhi-Fu Wu
頁次 043-048
關鍵字 Breast neoplasmspatent blue dyemodified radical mastectomyanaphylaxisangioedemaMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201902
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_17_18



Patent blue is the safest and most widely available blue dye for lymphatic mapping during breast cancer and cervical cancer surgeries. This paper reports an anaphylactic reaction to patent blue used for lymphatic mapping during breast cancer surgery where the patient presented with angioedema with bilateral eyelid and upper airway edema. Anesthesiologists should be aware of the possibility of anaphylactic reactions to any drug or substance administered during surgery.

