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篇名 台灣除草劑抗性雜草資料庫與抗性鑑定
卷期 39:2
並列篇名 Database and identification of herbicide-resistant weeds in Taiwan
作者 王慶裕
頁次 211-235
關鍵字 除草劑抗性雜草作用機制選拔壓力herbicide-resistant weedsaction mechanismselection pressureTSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.201812_39(2).0006


自1970年以來,全球因長期連續使用相同或不同作用機制(action mechanism) 之除草劑,雜草在除草劑選拔壓力(selection pressure)下,其族群逐漸出現各種相 關之抗性生物型(biotypes)。台灣農委會農業藥物毒物試驗所(簡稱藥試所)在1980 年曾於美國雜草學會(WSSA)網站上登錄抗草脫淨(atrazine)之野茼蒿抗性生物型。 在台灣國內因長期施用伏寄普(fluazifop),近年來藥試所也發現有抗性之牛筋草出 現,興大農藝系與藥試所合作,針對此材料在除草劑吸收(uptake)、轉運 (translocation)、代謝(metabolism)、與目標酵素(target site)乙醒輔酶A羧化酵素 (ACCase)之改變等已完成相關抗性生理機制之研究。由於上述相關抗性雜草之取 得均有賴農民直接向藥試所反映,再由所方研究人員前往現場取樣分析,此種方 式受限於抗性雜草發現後之通報系統不穩定、以及公務單位人手不足等問題,無 法全面性專責調查及發現台灣目前真正出現之抗性雜草種類與數量,因此,興大 農藝系設立網站,目標是建立\"台灣除草劑抗性雜草通報系統\"、以及建立收集 與鑑定之標準流程(SOP),並進一步建立〃台灣除草劑抗性雜草資料庫〃,以掌 握台灣除草劑抗性雜草出現之狀況,以及分析抗性產生之原因及擬定處理方法。 (台灣除草劑抗性雜草資料庫網站 http://web.nchu.edu.tw/〜herbicideresist/ index.htm )


Since 1970, due to the long-term application of herbicides having the same or different action mechanisms, this herbicide selection pressure resulted in the appearance of weed populations having herbicide resistance, i.e., herbicide-resistant biotypes. In 1980, the first case from Taiwan registered on the website of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) was atrazine-resistant tall fleabane (Co^nyza s^^a^re^nsis). In our country, after the long-term application of fluazifop, the Taiwan Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute (TACTRI) found a fluazifop-resistant goosegrass through farmer in recent years. For the past few years, our laboratory cooperated with TACTRI to explore the resistance mechanism of this resistant biotype. All related physiological studies of resistance mechanism have been completed, such as alterations in uptake, translocation, and metabolism of fluazifop, and changes in the target site, i.e., acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase). Since the above-mentioned resistant weed was found by the farmers occationally, and such notification system was unstable and unable to be expected, therefore, the Department of Agronomy, NCHU, have built a website with the goal of establishing a notification pipeline for finding “herbicide-resistant weeds in Taiwan”, as well as the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) for collection and identification of resistant weeds in Taiwan. Besides, to set up the “Database of herbicide-resistant weeds in Taiwan” for understanding the practical situation of resistant weeds or their biotypes in Taiwan, and to explore the resistance mechanism, as well as to sugest the resolving way against herbicide resistance in Taiwan will be expected. (Database of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds in Taiwan, http://web.nchu.edu.tw/ 〜herbicideresist/index.htm).
