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篇名 綠籬及保育邊行在農田佈局中扮演的角色
卷期 39:2
並列篇名 The role of hedgerow and conservation headland in the farmland layout
作者 朱衍臻楊志維黃文達
頁次 175-210
關鍵字 綠籬保育邊行農田佈局生態系hedgerowconservation headlandsfarmland layoutecosystemTSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC.201812_39(2).0005


綠籬(Hedgerow or Hedge)可分成髙大之喬木層(Tree layer)、矮小之灌木叢 (Shrub layer)及底部草本植物層(Base),具有改善農田微氣候、減少懸浮粒子飄散、 保持坡地農田水土、控制環境肥料汙染等功效。保育邊行(Conservation Headland) 包含以禾草類組成之草畦(Beetle bank or Grass margin)與原生野花所組成之野花帶 (Wild flower strip),此區域也同樣播種作物(他類或主作物),但是不施用肥料、農 藥,包括除草劑,以増加農田生物相。因此在作物之下,雜草可以生長,提供各 類昆蟲的生長,這些昆蟲包括天敵,可以到主要田區內覓食害蟲。多數綠籬及保 護邊行皆種植於農田邊緣,有利於農田生物之活動,穩定農田生態系統,但綠籬 之生長會直接或間接地影響農田中作物之發育,對作物生長具有正面之幫助與生 長競爭之衝撃。綠籬及保護邊行可増加農田鳥類、昆蟲及小型晡乳類等生物豐度 及多樣性,透過綠籬、保護邊行等非作物植被在農地景觀中的佈局可以改善農田 環境,進而達到一個穩定、自給自足的生態系。


Hedgerow can be divided into a tall tree layer, a shrub layer, and a bottom herb base, which can improve the microclimate of farmland, reduce the dispersion of suspended particles, maintain soil and water on the hillside, and control environmental fertilizer pollution. Conservation Headland contains a beetle bank (or grass margin) and native wildflower strip. This area is also sown with crops (other or main crops), but no fertilizers, pesticides, including herbicides, are used to increase farmland biological phase. Therefore, under the crops, weeds can grow and provide the growth of various types of insects, including natural enemies, that can catch pests in the main fields. Most hedges and conservation headlands are planted on the edge of farmland, which contributes to the activities of farmland biology and stabilizes the farmland ecosystem. However, the growth of the hedgerow directly or indirectly affects the development of crops in the farmland, and has a positive impact on the growth of crops and the impact of growth competition. Hedgerows and conservation headlands can increase the abundance and diversity of farmland birds, insects and small mammals. Through the layout of these non-crop vegetation in agricultural land landscapes, the farmland environment can be improved and a stable and self-sufficient ecosystem can be achieved.
